Geneva Rotary Club Seeks Applications For Grants

The Geneva Rotary Club is seeking applications for grants from local organizations and agencies.
Club President Stephanie Hesler explained that Geneva Rotary awards up to $1,000 for deserving projects in the Geneva community. “The Geneva Rotary Club takes great pride in our community grants program, which supports local programs, events and activities,” Hesler said. “Awarding these grants to local nonprofit organizations is an extension of our international mission to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance goodwill, peace and understanding in the world.”
Rotarians raise money for grants through various community projects. Since 2007, the Club has made grants totaling over $200,000 for programs, events, and activities of local organizations.
Guidelines for the grant applications are available here. The guidelines explain the application procedure and evaluation criteria.
The deadline for applications is May 20 and completed applications can be emailed to Late applications will not be considered. Decisions will be announced after June 17.
Questions about grant applications can be addressed to