HWS Rotaract Group Takes Part in Festival of Nations
Abby Kreinheder (center), a William Smith College freshman, is a member of the Rotaract group at the college. Rotaract is the college version of Rotary. Geneva Rotarians Chris Fitzgerald (left) and Stephanie Hessler (right) are the Rotaract advisors. Abby spoke at the recent Geneva Rotary Club meeting about the upcoming Festival of Nations Saturday, Nov. 16, from noon to 2 p.m. at North Street School. She is seeking Rotarians to sign up to staff a table at the Festival either in shifts from noon to 1 p.m. or 1 to 2 p.m. or both. The table will be representing Pakistan, one of the three countries where polio has not been eradicated. Polio Plus, a campaign to eradicate polio throughout the world, is a major effort of Rotary International and is supported by the Geneva Rotary Club. Volunteers will talk about Rotary if the opportunity presents itself as well as interact and converse with members of Rotaract and Interact, the high school version of Rotary. The Festival of Nations is a celebration of diversity in Geneva. Rotarians can sign up for the festival at the next club meeting at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 13, at Geneva Country Club.